Whiplash Treatment

An Overview of Whiplash Treatment from Hull Chiropractic

There are a number of common injuries that someone might sustain in a car accident and one of the most common is called whiplash. For those who might not know, whiplash is the term used to describe a sprain of the cervical spinal ligaments. These ligaments provide the neck with a wide range of motion. If someone has suffered whiplash, they might have trouble moving their head from side to side. This is where it is important to rely on an Indianapolis chiropractor for chiropractic care, such as the team from Hull Chiropractic

Whiplash Treatment Options

When someone is involved in a motor vehicle accident, the rapid changes in momentum can cause the neck to snap back and forth. This leads to a sprain of the ligaments in the neck. Some of the most common treatment options include spinal adjustment and manipulation procedures. These are done to make sure the vertebrae of the neck are aligned in an appropriate manner. Once the vertebrae are lined up, the ligaments should be able to relax and the neck should be easier to move. Of course, this is going to take some time. During the treatment process, it is also important to use physical therapy and corrective exercises to strengthen the joints and muscles in and around the neck. This comprehensive treatment plan will help everyone recover from whiplash. Gradually, people should regain the range of motion of their neck and be able to move from side to side.

Trust the Team from Hull Chiropractic for Accident Injuries

If someone has been diagnosed with a serious injury following a motor vehicle accident, it is important to know where to go. The team from Hull Chiropractic is here to make sure that everyone in the Indianapolis area has access to a comprehensive healthcare provider. We strive to do exactly that. We take the time to get to know all of our patients individually. We believe that this provides us with the best opportunity to provide appropriate care. Please call us today to schedule an appointment. We would be happy to take care of you.


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