Tips to Alleviate Aches and Pain While Traveling

Many people go on vacation to see new places and spend time with their families. Traveling is the best way to get new feelings and experiences. Although it is enjoyable, it can also be rough when it causes aches and pain. Prolonged sitting can cause aches and pain. At Hull Chiropractic in Indianapolis, we provide chiropractic care for neck pain, back pain, and any other pain caused by a variety of injuries.

Common Aches and Pain Related To Travel

  • Back pain happens when people travel for a long distance with no back support.
  • Muscle pain is experienced when traveling through a bumpy road or using a vehicle that jerks around a lot or inability to sleep.
  • Neck pain happens due to uncomfortable positions that can result in spasms and stiffness.
  • Restless leg syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes a crawling, prickling, or tingling sensation in the legs. It is often associated with uncomfortable sleep.

Chiropractic care for aches and pain may include chiropractic manipulation and adjustments, hot/cold therapy, physical massage therapy, and regular exercise.

Tips to Alleviate Aches and Pain While Traveling

  1. Stay hydrated which means drinking plenty of water, not alcohol or caffeine.
  2. Eat well about six hours before travel. Get some decent food; it will help you avoid the need to stop for a burger en route.
  3. Wear comfy shoes and clothes.
  4. Wear layers so you can take stuff off or put it back on, depending on how you feel.
  5. Get some rest during the flight. Put on your eye mask and relax in your chair. Allow yourself a decent night's sleep before flying to avoid feeling tired and cranky on arrival.
  6. Travel light by bringing fewer items when traveling by air.
  7. Stand up and move around if possible.
  8. Find a comfortable position by adjusting your seat, and using a pillow, blanket, or traveling neck nest.

Contact Hull Chiropractic in Indianapolis, IN

The tips we have mentioned will help you travel safely and enjoy a pain-free journey. If you are feeling aches and pain after traveling and live in or around Indianapolis, call our team at Hull Chiropractic today at (317) 243-2392 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hull.


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